
October 14, 2023

Mashura Toona Blambi Ya Freeman Hkd Boss Inenge Rubber Zvionereiwo Zvakaoma Ma Galis

Inga Zvakaoma nhai homwe 🤯🤯🤯 Masadza bota shuwa paGenturumeni. Huye bodoMAHUREEEEE WOYEEEEEE🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥         Svitsai PICTURE KUNE MKADZI WA FREEMAN MAI DAMIEN 😂😂😂😂         HURE RAKE MAMOYO RANGOTI NDISWERESE MAI DAMIEN.   Ne video Galis We Weti achisvarana naMAMOYO NDANARO😂😂😂😂😂   MBORO YA HKD NDEYE RABHA hainyatsomire😂😂😂😂😂         Masadza bota zvaro usvusvu hwe MBORO😂😂😂😂   AMAI DAMIEN NDATI MASWERA SEI 😂😂😂   I   WILL PLAY AUDIO RANDA REKODHA NDICHITAURA NE HURE RAKE MAMOYO PALIVE SHOW😂😂😂   #HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏

October 13, 2023

Freeman Opinda Busy Nemazimba Saka Wanga Wakachengeta Puc RaGarry Kuti Uzoposta Afa Mune Fake Love

Saka iwe Firimoni pic iri wanga wakarichengeta kuti ugozoriposta kana afa? Taisamboziva kuti minotozivana zvekudaro kaa isu. Munozonyamya kuzvifonera muchiita kunge musinga mixe namwe ma artist.         Saka nemakore ese amakazivana wazoona zvakanaka kuti umuposte         iIt's true shame vanhu vanoona kunanka kwako usisipo ndopovotanga kunyepera kukuda zvichabatsireyi kudiwa wava muguva eish zvorwadza mhani💔💔💔         I am guilty of this I had a handful of his songs I knew but today I went on his Spotify and realised he had a lot of great content. We can do bettee to support our music and artists.

October 13, 2023

Winnie Mahachi Opondwa Mpumalanga SouthAfrica Achibva Auraiwa Achifamba Zivisai Hama Dzake Ku Zimbabwe

Winnie Mahachi apondwa and she died in Mpumalanga south africa,kuZimbabwe aibva kuMbizo16 fambisai message iyi hama dzake dzivanikwe         It's the second person now mumwe apondwa kuCapetown       Haaa nyaya ya Winnie soo kaaa haya ndakadzidza naye ku primary aigara ku rain rekuseri kwedu zvakaoma mufungeMunhu kuzvifambira hake obva apondwa otakurhwa kunorasirhwa kusango .           ZvakutyisaIt saddens me to announce that Winnie mahachi passed away. it Is said akapondewa in Mpumalanga South Africa. In Zim aigara kumbizo 16 fambisai message hama dzake dzizive.

October 13, 2023

42 Miners Vouraiwa Bay Horse Mine Chegutu Vawirwa Mumugodhi Zvinorwadza

40 workers trapped afterChegutu Bayhorse mine disaster kune vanakoma vakawondomokera last week Friday havasati vabuditswa vamwe vakabudiswa vakafa,,, zvokwadi October ngaachipera hake😭💔crowd gathers to observe a rescue team carrying the body of a miner after a gold mine shaft collapsed at the Bay Horse mine in Chegutu, Zimbabwe on September 30, 2023.         Rescue teams in Zimbabwe are continuing the search for survivors, three days after a disused gold mine in the country’s Chegutu district collapsed, killing at least 10 illegal miners.         Around 42 artisanal miners were believed to be working underground at the Bay Horse Mine in Chegutu when it caved in on them on Friday, provincial official Mari

October 10, 2023

Vana Vevhu Vatambudzwa Ne Zanupf Tangove Pese Pese Zimbabweans In Gaza Israel Vochema Hurumende Yedu Yatotisiya Tiri Stuck Muno They Need Help

"Do individuals willingly choose to relocate and reside in a high-risk country, only to later shift blame onto the government when life-threatening situations arise, asserting that they have a profound sense of isolation?"         Even Americans will feel they are on their own living in such a dangerous country. Only those that went there under government ticket have the right to talk like this.           Otherwise if not, just ask for help politely.I've been there.You can't live freely in a country that is surrounded by enemies from all sides and that's why Israel introduced Iron dome defense system which intercept any missile coming towards their territory

October 10, 2023

Nelson Chamisa Oti Hurumende Iburitse Job Sikhala Nekuti Pashata Health Yake

Nelson Chamisa, leader of of the Citizens Coalition for Change has called for the immediate release of Job Sikhala.         Sikhala has reportedly fallen ill in Zimbabwe’s most feared Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison where he has been caged for 483 days facing charges of inciting violence.         Said Chamisa, ” FREE JOB SIKHALA IMMEDIATELY!”     Chamisa said he is deeply concerned about the fact that Hon Job Sikhala is seriously deeply concerned about the fact that Hon Job Sikhala is seriously ill in Chikurubi Maximum Prison.       In particular the fact that he has blood in his stools is a very serious condition which requires urgent and expert me

October 10, 2023

Mai Dhuterere Looks Old Ivo Varikuma 20s Saka Varikuhurirwa Nemurume Achinhumburisa Raini Rese Ngava Slayewo

Mapfekero aDhuts netumastanzi twake unotongoona kuti itsotsi.Mai Dhuts vanenge vakapfekedzwa kunge kambuya iye achizviita kagheto yut achifamba hake achimitisa tuvana mumasendiraini.         Zvotopisa tsitsi Mai Dhuts varimunhamo nababa ivava ibhinya chairo ndofunga vanotouya nemabhishu pamba vototi waridza pasi ini nebhishu rangu tikwirane ndiyo type yacho iyoyi.         Sorry Mai Dhuts buda mumba uchiri mupenyu usatedzere zvesangano huya tidhakwe nekuhura hedu kumabhawa.Dhuterere akuhura? however mhamha ngavapfekewo zvirinani ,she looks old yet vari kuma,20s .ingoti munhu anoita zvaanoda nelife yake

October 08, 2023

ZBC Workers Varikunyeperwa ZveRape Izvo Nekuti Vakaramba Kupusher ZANUPF's Propaganda News They Said

from inside information those guys refuse to publish ZANUPF's propaganda and they refuse to be ZANUPF's puppets, that's why there are now being accused with fake cases         Something is fishy . What if they are being framed. Vanhu havangaite mhosva 1 Ka kunge money heist.         There is an agenda behind chete

October 02, 2023

Mazimbabweans Ochema Winky D Achatiurayisa Madiro Atinomuiita

Chinhoyi yakanyanya hanzi Gaffa rakapedzisira ragara pasi ma fans akatanga kuimba ega ma songs           Winky D ndiwe mumwe uchatiurayisa iwe mudiro watinokuita so kaGafaaa ndibaba isu kwedu mukwasha 💪 akasupporta gaffa anotobvisirwa mombe nhatu

October 02, 2023

Big Celebrity Tyra Chikocho Ofugura Hembe Kuratidza Zvirimukati Iye Wacho Otiti Chii Chakadaro Chinenge Ngozi

Ndochega chasara muzimbabwe kuona Wana Mai wedu waisi kupfeka🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Kufugura hembe ndokubvira here?       Madama Boss "Chiii ichocho chinenge ngozi

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