Believe it or not !! Someone has to teach Themba Gorimbo what to post and not on Social media.
He needs a Social media Manager abeg 😁🫣..
Dude akungoisa nezvisina kana basa rese!!
Achine kahubharanzi so 😁So funny How People see hubharanzi Wemunhu and nehubharanzi wake he going up just same nemunhu anodakuudzira
Millionaire how to spend their money leave the Guy alone hubharanzi Hwake Kana uchimufadza Let him be Mind your own Life iyi haina Formula he is Living his Dream #Tsvagaimabasa #UK_IS_OPEN_FOR_BUSINESSHudofo zvaunoita so.
That thing chakafuta its a shield yavanoisa kut vasakuvadzwe ipapo. So whats wrong ipapo?MaZimba mune Error whats wrong with this , iyo yaakapfeka inonzi groin protector kana kuti testicular protector woye…. a necessary shield in MMA. Why Mune Dirty Mind nhai. Thats why Zanu PF ichiramba ichingotonga mune pfungwa dzakaora