Olinda wawanavo vakukunda pachitsotsi ka wakutaurisaOlinda mhata yako, you are one of those people who are defrauding vulnerable zimboz ..Please shut upIwee unei nazvo.
Very very Jelousy . Zve Barika rako revaRume vako Taitana na Stana wambozvipedza here???Shut up mbavha iwe,iwe wakaitei nemari dzekuba idzodzo apa uchikungolodger,kumba hauna kana chirugu .mota ndeyechikwereti.
Basa rekutenga poda nekuchekesa nyama shit.hauna zvaunoziva.😆 now you’re hating cause your license yakatorwa. You were one of the people aibira vanhu
I blame akatanga kuratidza vamwe masponsor kuti we can make money out of the CoS ...pane akatanga nazvo zvekutengesa izvi ma5000 , ma6000.ma4000., SOME advised the sponsors kuti ngatitengese
Olinda mhata yako, you are one of those people who are defrauding vulnerable zimboz ..Please shut upOC akanyudza vanhu 2021 mugroup redu hapana kana 1 akauya neGain Healthcare
Red Cross haina kana neremuromo nayeSaka muchiona kuti they support nyaya dzechimbavha havana moyo vanhu ava