Color Vibes is a concept that was inspired by the The Colors Show in Berlin which has been running on You Tube for years now .It’s not meant to showcase creativity by the artist or video directors it’s just a simple, modern and pretty way to promote our local super stars.
We did not design the program wanting the artist to excite the audience the idea was just to show the music and face to the consumer pasina ma tricks kana magetsi .
Instead yekukanda song pa you tube isina ma visuals now we have something to show. We do not stop or discourage pple to have actual videos after aya emutuma box twakapendwa we have actually made two videos ourselves after pamboitwa colors vibes video but tikazongoonawo kuti yemuka box yaingoramba ichipisa.
We also want the excitement around color vibes to die down .
Hatisikutofarirawo pressure iyoyi .Yes we enjoy it kana artist anoita 3000 views in one day aisa a proper video on his page but akaisa pa NashTv Color Vibes yoita 20k pa first day but ...
I sincerely appreciate the pointers and encouragements zvakanyanya and we are definitely going to bring on other exciting programs tichitora zvizhinji zvataurwa on this platform asi color vibes icharamba ingori zvairi trust me on this one vana vedu vachapinda muka box kaya kana mwari avapa chipo chekuimba. Kana vazoita mari unoona vaakurova Tetena zvavo ye high budget . I know handizvo zvatirikuita hedu but let’s put more energy kwese kwatiri kugadzira another successful program kwete kuti titarise chirikupisa chacho kuti chinyanya kupisa saka let’s wait for it chichitonhore we desperately need your support chimborarama mamwe makumi mana.
Munhu wese anyora idea yake pano ndikaitora usazoti Nash anokopa ndimi manyora pano ! Mukazoona artist news or zvataurwa na Malvin Dyoco munongoti tisu takamutipa but don’t take me to court.
That’s why ndisingabvi pano ndipo pa high command pe online arts unodzidza!