In an interview held today, Moana’s sister who has been also identified by many as Tatts speak about the relationship amongst Ginimbi, Moana and her father. She repeatedly said my sister got entangled nemhepo.
According to Tatts, Moana’s friendship with Ginimbi was close to one year. She does not know if there was anything beyond that. She ended up fake liking Ginimbi because of her sister. This means that she was left with no option but to join all parties hosted by Ginimbi to please her sister. This leads us to most questions people were throwing. One of the most common questions asked was, “if you didn’t like him, why then did you attend Ginimbi’s All White party by yourself, in the absence of Moana.”
Moana's sister akati, video iya Moana haana kumborota yaiva poem yaakaverenga last yr, uye last month when she relocated to S.A akasiya atigovera zvinhu vake zvizhinji, Zvekare on her 26th birthday akatora banga akangocheka kaPiece kepamoyo keCake akadya(cake racho raiva mukadzi akashama), again that night yekudreams club akaita nharo, achiti ari kuda kuenda domboshava with frnds, ini ndichiti hande kumba. Guys munotii nezvaiitika pana Moana
In an interview held today, Moana’s sister who has been also identified by many as Tatts speak about the relationship amongst Ginimbi, Moana and her father. She repeatedly said my sister got entangled nemhepo.
According to Tatts, Moana’s friendship with Ginimbi was close to one year. She does not know if there was anything beyond that. She ended up fake liking Ginimbi because of her sister. This means that she was left with no option but to join all parties hosted by Ginimbi to please her sister. This leads us to most questions people were throwing. One of the most common questions asked was, “if you didn’t like him, why then did you attend Ginimbi’s All White party by yourself, in the absence of Moana.”
Moana's sister akati, video iya Moana haana kumborota yaiva poem yaakaverenga last yr, uye last month when she relocated to S.A akasiya atigovera zvinhu vake zvizhinji, Zvekare on her 26th birthday akatora banga akangocheka kaPiece kepamoyo keCake akadya(cake racho raiva mukadzi akashama), again that night yekudreams club akaita nharo, achiti ari kuda kuenda domboshava with frnds, ini ndichiti hande kumba. Guys munotii nezvaiitika pana Moana
In an interview held today, Moana’s sister who has been also identified by many as Tatts speak about the relationship amongst Ginimbi, Moana and her father. She repeatedly said my sister got entangled nemhepo.
According to Tatts, Moana’s friendship with Ginimbi was close to one year. She does not know if there was anything beyond that. She ended up fake liking Ginimbi because of her sister. This means that she was left with no option but to join all parties hosted by Ginimbi to please her sister. This leads us to most questions people were throwing. One of the most common questions asked was, “if you didn’t like him, why then did you attend Ginimbi’s All White party by yourself, in the absence of Moana.”
Moana's sister akati, video iya Moana haana kumborota yaiva poem yaakaverenga last yr, uye last month when she relocated to S.A akasiya atigovera zvinhu vake zvizhinji, Zvekare on her 26th birthday akatora banga akangocheka kaPiece kepamoyo keCake akadya(cake racho raiva mukadzi akashama), again that night yekudreams club akaita nharo, achiti ari kuda kuenda domboshava with frnds, ini ndichiti hande kumba. Guys munotii nezvaiitika pana Moana