Mambo Ndini posted a post laughing at a woman who he claimed was doing Mjolo and that 70% of women in Harare are single mother pupolary known as mvana in Zimbabwe. Many women including Nelia Kadungure sister of the late Ginimbi and other artists like Kikkybadass were not happy with the statement made by Mambo Ndnin about mvana. See the posts below.
Mjolo ndewani uyooo😂😂,huh vana pa Harare vanodyiwa ndati ….if you want to marry in Harare huh unezvivindi ,,,,,,,vasikana vepa IG FB Tiktok worse havabatwe I hot ,if you see a girl posting akapfeka mini ,achitambisa garaldo,bum short that reveals her body haaaaa 90% ye vanhu ivavo vanodyiwa mwana wa mai so kuzvigona boiz rangu siyanai nazvo tsvagai mari zvema babe izvi munofa nema stress ………have you ever noticed kuti if you throw a stone you will hit a baby mama 75% of girls now have babies just check ,,,,,,huh pakaipa hameno kuti panoitwa sei
Nelia Responded Saying
Kikky Also commented telling Mambo Ndini
you’re clearly a sexist these women don’t make babies on their own it takes two sexes , and how do you align what women wear and morality? How does that work? So women who wear full clothes havasi kudyisa or kudyiwa? As a nation it was brought to light kty vakadzi vanonzi vanopfeka mushe , vasinganwe doro , no tattoos etc vari kuchengetesa varume vana vasiri vavo , which voids your statement .Quite rapey if you ask me . You’re the type of man that blames women who get raped or abused , muchiti “vanozvida ava vanopfekerei zvakadaro”. Do you not participate mukudyawo vanhu vacho ? I’ve seen you participate in these activities , you’re only speaking out because haupo ka zvako hazvipo, only speaking out because Ava vanoita zvema private jet zvinozonoti remei ?👀 what’s your point exactly? Ndibatsirewo ndinzwisise.