Mai TT Tells Millionaire Olinda Chapel Handikutye -Ziva Zve Classy Yako Siyana Neni & Ketina MaStreet Kids - Wakauya Wega To My Shows

Dear OC

I heard your live and what you are saying kuti innini I’m sending Ketty to insult you ?

Kana ndichida kukututuka ndinotadzaneyi nhayi?

Ndinokutyeyi zvekuti ndingatadze kukuudza zvandoda?

Reason yekukutuka yacho ndeyeyi yandinokutukira?

Ukutaura kuti zvaAwilo ndozvandirwadza, Ndorwadziwa neyi pakuunza kwako Awilo muUk??

Handikutye ende handina kana ku kutadza because handina daka newe. Wakauya kumashow anguawakAtanga kundishoropodza kuti you are too classy ndikakutenda wani, wakabvisa mari yako ndikakutenda wani ? Wakambonzwa ndichitaura zita rako?? Ukarerutsa show yanguuchiti you owned the show because you helped Kaycie ndikanyarara. You keep throwing shade ndinongokunyararira do you think kukutya? I’m learning to focus on what matters whilst you and your classy self focuses on street kids and classless trash like us why ???

Ko why don’t you focus on millionaires and stop involving yourself in our lives . Never in a million years have I asked you for help but you reach out by yourself not from your heart but for clout . Still I humble myself and thank you even if I know mangwana you will come bragging about helping people.

Kumashow kwacho you came all the way kumunhu asiri class yako wani wawasheedzwa here?? Handiti wakauya kuzoita show off ?? Still I thanked you for your show off . Saka urikundipinzireyi munyaya dzako naketty.

Please I got so many problems at the moment to be sending people to insult you and reason to I don’t have . Pedzerana naketty ndiye akakudenha inini hangu ndinotokukumbira nemweya waMwari siyana neni.

NDinokutenda neizvozvo xvawakaita zvekuuya kushow yangu but usandiite muranda. I’m not your class , I’m not your friend and never will I be .

I’m still striving hard kuti ndiite millionare sana Zodwa ndomaRich aunty atoziva ari legit .


Take note.

Handikutye but handitongorinao time for you .

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