Socialite Bridgate Panashe has broken a barrier which is a first of its kind in Zimbabwe. Bridgate Panashe was on Instagram Live and kissed another socialite Melo. No Zimbabwean woman or man has ever kissed a person of the same gender online in Zimbabwe. In countries like South Africa, USA ,UK & Canada the LGBT community is celebrated and treated fairly. Bridgate has admitted that she is straight and not a lesbian but is not afraid to express her opinion or do this she wants. Mabrijo was a maid but her popularity and amazing character has now made her one of the biggest celebrities in Zimbabwe.
Mabrijo is so popular that the ruling party ZANUPF has hired her several times to campaign for them and they have paid her thousands of dollars. They have paid her to stay in 5 star hotels and flown her first class between South Africa and Zimbabwe many companies and artists has linked themself to Mabrijo because of her skills to entertain. Celebrities like Lorraine Guyo, Madamboss, Killer T, Prophet Passion Jav, Prophet Ed Branson and many more have collaborated with Mabrijo . See video below as Mabrijo breaks a barrier and kisses another woman in Instagram live.