First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa Leading By Example Comes To The Aid Of Truck Drivers Demands Accountability From ZIMRA At Forbes Boarder Post

First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa Leading By Example Comes To The Aid Of Truck Drivers Demands Accountability From ZIMRA At Forbes Boarder Post

The first lady of Zimbabwe Auxillia Mnangagwa is leading by example and showing love like a mother. Amai Mnangagwa was passing by Forbes Boarder Post Coming from Chimoio, whe she came accross long queues of vehicles and trucks. These queues had people wainig in like for 6 to 10 hours. The first lady inquired why the queues were so long and was approached by a group of Truck drivers who gave her a long list of grievances which inluded the following.
-truck drives spending days  trying to get prossesing and clearing
-having no places to sleep 
-no restroom and having to use the woods to help themselves
-no water to bath and drink
-the corruption at the boarder post having to bride ZIMRA officials

The truck drives asked the First Lady to look into the delays, sub-standard service and  curruption by some managers, at Forbes Boarder Post.  After doing some inquiries a manager  incharge of this boarder post was suspended for issues involving corruption. This manager was previously under investigation by Zimra for incompetency and curruption allegations. After these events occured the suspended manager has made false allegations towards The First Lady which have been posted in some online news media sites. 

If anyone has passed by Forbes Boarder post the delays and inefficiency of the post is not only frastrating but harzadous from the lack of water and  sub-standand service & facilities. What the first lady has done is commendable and shows that she cares for Zimbabwe & Zimbabweans,  making the people at ZIMRA be accountable & other governmental offices is something more leaders should do.

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