Daniel Chikore Aged 24 Obata Shamwari Yake Chibharo Akarara Akangomuka Blambi Yavekumashure Varume Vakurepana Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Ngochani Dzawanda Kukunda Vanhu Atongwa 8 Years Mujeri

Denzel Chikore, aged 24, has been sentenced to 8 years in jail for raping his friend. Chikore was found guilty after a full trial by Harare Magistrate Mr Taurai Manuwere. The magistrate handed down a 12-year jail sentence with four years suspended on condition that Chikore does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.


The incident occurred on January 14, 2023, around 5 pm when Chikore and the complainant were preparing for an event with other friends in Mandara. After dinner and drinks, the complainant, who was tired, went to her room and fell asleep with the door unlocked as her cousin was due to arrive later.


Around 2 am, the complainant woke up to find that Chikore was having sexual intercourse with her without her consent. She was shocked and confused to such an extent that she couldn't react until Chikore finished. Investigations revealed that Chikore later left the room while the complainant continued sleeping. When she woke up around 9 am, she recollected what had happened and told her cousin, who then informed her uncle.


The complainant later reported the incident to ZRP Highlands, leading to Chikore's arrest and the complainant receiving medical examination.


Via : The Herald

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