Man named Ba Tea’s post prediction about Ginimbi’s exact death date goes viral on social media.
This message was posted on the 19th if October foretelling what has happened wasn’t written today its an old post a guy anonzi Ba Tea posted of FB… Some sort of prediction here or prophecy we don’t know… Either way its sad how they have passed for real
Hupenyu hwangu hautadziswe nevanhu kufamba vamwe vanhu vakafa asi vaifunga kuti vakaipa vakanyura but waizviita masharks vakafa vane chibhanzi muma bank accounts but isu vayititi marombe.Vanondifemesa ndivo vakakosha vanobudidza zuva nekuri nyudza ndiwo vane yese varidzi vemwedzisando ndinopa dzese kwete munhu anozoitwa nemujuru breakfast or lunch asix feet under wekuti akadzokera muvhu anowora ganda.
Ndepapi pauchazopinda neBuggati yako muguva ndepapi pauchazovigirwa muzi den rako chero kutadziswa kufa nemari yako excuse me tibvirepo.Zvimwe zvima slay queen zvaifunga kuti kunaka kurarama nekusingapere asi zvakatoora asi zvaifunga kuti zvakakora.Steve Jobs inga panyika haasisiri kuwanikwa Wacko Jacko nhai aripi but ndiye ayipisa kudarika iwe kunge mhiripiri.
Ndiani akati Pokello haafe akachembera The Queen akatomboitawo sponono but nhasi vazukuru vake vakutomuti gogo.Kungoita kamari vamwe vanhu vakutofunga kuti vatova twuvana mwari these day it’s so hard to make it to 60 years muna 2040 zvinhu zvese zvamunoganza nazvo izvo zvinenge zvangofanana netwufoni twunonzi twumbudzi.You can never chase technology ukaibata the years are now moving faster so it mean wo kuti vanhu vakufa faster madays edu epanyika akuperwawo faster.
Usaganzire varombo nekuti punofa ndivo vanotanga kukuseka even if you call yourself a celeb rimwe zuva you will make newspapers sell waita headline yekunzi wakita.Mari yaitenge rufu tsano death is not corrupt you can’t bribeit asekuru muna November imwe shasha iri kuzogadzikwa mudish hanzi netwunjuzu yakatozvi chekeresa sadaka yawakaita hanzi yenga iri yekupedzesera uchafa kunge mbeva it’s not going to change chero ukati I don’t care.
Zita rako pasi nerufu ritori palist in a few weeks time you’re going to be on the Headlines December hausi kuzomupinda.Tic Tok the time is ticking.
#ImBaTea #TheVendetta #The3LittleMermaids.
A Harare man who claims to be time traveller, Ba Tea, has made headlines after a series of his Facebook posts seemingly pointed to the death of a famous person in November.
This coincided with the death of Genius Kadungure who died on Sunday 08 November 2020 in a car accident that happened along Borrowdale Road in Harare.
Speaking to ZiFm,Ba Tea said that he does not see himself as a prophet,but as a messenger and a time traveller.
“If I was popular and if I was a prophet,people would take me seriously.Now people want to take me seriously because I have predicted a precise event.”
Ba Tea said that more high profile predictions were on the way and it’s not going to end with Ginimbi only.