Hushamwari wekuroya unenguva uchasvika paunopera vakuru vakati chisingaperi chinoshura musi iwowo internet ichagodhoma kuwirirana kuwisira vamwe vanhu pasi . Ravhunesi anogwadziwa nevamwe vanhukadzi anoda kunzi ndiye oga anorira. Zimbuya repacorner.Ava vakubhowa huroyi hwacho hunotosemesa kuda kutsvaga mbiri yakawora ndoshamiswa nevanhu vanokanda ma stars ekukandira zvimbwaaa izvi zvisina moyo munenge muchifarireyi chaizvo pakushungurudza kwavanoita vanhuKuti uone vakadhakwa they team up on one person each and everytime….. and ivo they don’t disagree on anything
So zvonyadzisa kudzikisirwa uku kuunzwa pashow pakazara vanhu uine ma jailguards Nhasi tonyangadzwa naKetsvina achiwona kamuchacha akasimba kudai Ndachikumbiro kubvunza kuty ruoko rwakadzikiswa urwo nderake hre๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐akutange akapfeka pulling socks reblack๐
These guy was sent to free us I don't know him personally but from these pics you can see kuti munhu anoterera um sure he was the brain for tsvangirayiHe is an ordinary citizen like you and me . He has been there pafrontline kubva kare.He decided to put his life on the line zvinotadzikwa netumwe tuvarume turi pano.Chavo kungopopota nekumuti hee ari weak ,hee chino.If you were to be asked to step in his shoes waizvikwanisa here? . What have you also done iwewe as a citizen of Zimbabwe kunze kwekungoshora zvacho zvaitwawo neumwe citizen akafanana newe?Ini as a citizen i admit handinawo plan so the least I can do is to support and thank him for all his efforts nyangwe zvaenda nepamwe.
Jailed socialite Felistas Mai "Tt" Murata's trial in a case she is accused of swindling a Harare businesswoman of US$10 000 was in a false start after the matter was postponed to the 29th of September. The State's star witness recently gave birth and could not attend court. taikuudzai ma bridesmaids kuti zvamuri kuita izvi murikunyudzisa munhu apa dzimwe dzacho hadzisati dzanema Çourt date asi vanhu vakamhangara anenge achiti akapinda iyi obuda iyi MaFollowers ake must learn to shut up kwete kuita kunge maGrade 3D manje sooo Now ey can’t even help ds poor womanYoh thought she could be lucky pachapiwa vamwe amnesty na elected president manje zvavharwa.
Chekai hama dzenyu dzogara South muJoberg CBD so far 70 bodies(dead) dzevanhu vatsvira mubuilding , number irikutokwira ๐ฅฒ A catastrophic fire in downtown Johannesburg, South Africa, has left a trail of devastation, claiming the lives of at least 64 people and leaving over 43 injured. The multistorey building, located in the city’s bustling central business district, fell victim to the raging inferno on Thursday morning. Robert Mulaudzi, a spokesman for the emergency services, has warned the number of fatalities may rise further – as more people could be trapped inside. Emergency workers and local media reported the grim t
Live yaitwa na Jackie unochema Kani.shuwa hamuzode kusekerera lily nemurume wake futi saka muchaita sei Ukaenda kupari une mukadzi akazvitakura wotagara wakabatira hana mumaoko kut anodzoka ari mupenyu here vese nemwana nekushaya zvikwanisiro Mazimba ari mu s.a basa risina pay waiter..housegirl.. Uchishandira ma kula...uchigara pama traffic lights kuti uwane anokupa basa...vamwe vakutengesa maveg anokupa profit yemari kugara uchicheuka home affairs Varikuenda nema COS vamwe avana ma hoursVamwe varikukwangaya but zvirinani wapindamo Haisi nyore basa roitwa nemahwindi kutsvaga macustomer kuBosman kupowerhouse Kuna forth copacabana..uchinonhonga magrapes uchipihwa.nzungu ku kapa...3000 rands wototi
Ini zvimwe zvose handinaye nazvo but zvondigwadza inini hangu veduwe ndezvekuti ndicharoorwa Nani nhai varume vose zvavapera kudai,,,shuwa nekunaka kwatytan oitwa bakers inn haaa boys mhani She lies Olinda Ane problem ko zvinoita kwaenda kwacho stunner is worse pachihure she must live Tytan in peace mukadzi uyo kuhura zvakapusa iye chete ndiye anotadzirwaMarriage inongodawo munhu ane vibe so u do everything together mukada kupenga kunakidzwa and so many things, but Titus ane kakuzvida kakuda kuzviita dhara so kakuda kudzikama kema holier than thou.. life is too short kana zvirizvo zvinofadza moyo bhoo. Nyaya dzevaviri dzinonetsa Olinda olinda wadii kusiya tytan aenda chinyararire ha
Can someone forward this massge to Olinda , Olinda Uri benzi ,chairo , nhas ndopawava kutumura murume wako nekuda kwekuty unoda kudzokerana Na ex wako Uri duzvi chairo hauna kukwana , ko zvawakura Wani wadii wakura pfungwa kwete kukura mazinyama iwayo unofunga kuty ndian angakuda kana yaisava mari yaunayo , ex wako haana chaarikuda kwauri kunze kwemari yaarikuda kukupukuta kekupedzisira uchenjere kuzochema fty , zvawaita izvo zvinoitwa nevana kwete iwe chembere yachena pamberi kudaro busy , kuchinja varume sehembe , kurai imi mbuya , Tytan was managing u , are not even ashemed of yurself Ku discusser murume wako waune mwana naye xvakapusa kudaro , uribenzi iwe chembere iwe , wakabatirira mwana ku
Haa Olinda na Feli kusekana henyu asi mose makafanana ko Oli waiseka Feli iwewo wazvitengerawo ring .Waiseka Feri iwe uchirohwawo na ka boy boy , mazosiyana henyu pakuti Feli wakahoshandisa mari dzevanhu . Asi washinga here Ori kuchinjaniswa ne vemagitare .Stunner haaa uyo anokugadzika mudish. Nhamo yemumwe hairambirwe jembi takadzidza from you . Hantie ndo post yawakaisa pakaita chikiti mabororo achoKufanana havo havana pakuti Oli can afford chero kutenga murume wacho and feli is bankruptcy
Problem yake ndeyekuti anofunga kuti sezvo ari normal hapana chinogona kumubata akasaita hurema we have a lot of people who became disabled vakura nekuda kwezvakasiyana siyana,natural health complications and injuries from an accident can cause disability wachembera kudai you might even lose your ability to talk too much wongorohwa ne stroke inoomesa face yese zvekuti unenge wakungobuda rute usingachagone kumedza mate Tikamutuka vouya mafollowers ake vachipopota this woman is heartless as if iye asina vana I blame the people that applaud her I hate people who go as far as mocking any child it's bad ๐ฎ