Madam boss voudza mafans avo and all people "Nhasi ndakatsamwa musandi denied kana kunditsiura nhaika I will block you wetha uri wekukama ,shamwari or mutorwa 🤣🤣🤣 Lastly writing the late Ginimbis statement my life your TV Majaira kuti wow wo kune vamwe muchitadza kuitirawo inini ,maybe varikuda malobe nemalikes who knows kana kuradio ignoring wowo Rihana bumb kureva nhumbu but hamusi kundiitirawo.
See Calaz bhanditi leader not happy with Freeman hkd boss omuudza kuti you have never been a threat to me in the industry and you will never be .fans ndiani wamunoda Freeman or Calaz 🤣🤣🤣. Calaz mentioned that besides the paper spray issue ,the artist was no longer visiting the ghetto and has not mentioned the DZ artist to the performance list.besides zve paper spray hauchapinde ghetto maartist egheto rako wakamajamba and kungotadza kutaura Ndaironga kuti vanhu vakuteme for what I will never be you inini ndini inini mabhadhiti hatisati tambotema munhu tisu tinototemwa.
Ketina the boss wig master tells Mudiwa Cookie chiuya ndikutsemure mukosho nemuseve ndasvika pa Dublin Airport now " Huya ndikubise mazino demeti ndamirira tatami zvangu ungandidii ?weapon yekutsemura mbiti mukosho ndinayo makati muchauya kuzorova ketile ketile huyai ndiri area yenyu ". It's seems ketty arikutoda zve hondo haasi kutombokwata all Facebook family tamirira fight yavo vari 2
Tatelicious Homwe yemadzitateguru says "Tytan variations na Olinda about petty issues and olinda is threatening kudzinga Tytan again.veduwe kugara uchingovhundutsirwa hakudi munhu wemurume Ane mabhora mahombe sava nkomo". " Maguts aTytan anotyisa tsve kungodya mari nekukwidzwa ndege Tytan akutozviona sebhuru reku Mukhokhobha chembere inokuchengeta.Zvimbuya zvinoda kungwarirwa ,zvarisa vanhu vesize tyako.
Maitt said this to Oc and other people varikuvanetsera zvekuti vakuda kugara ku uk "Musanyanyotedzera zvandinotaura ndebdichingoda kusvotesa Anambwa vanoda kutitonga munyika dzisiri dzavo no matter I travel to heaven there can never be a place like home The way I love my country Zimbabwe its like ndakatoroyiwa neakafa. Ndinonzwa rudununguko rwakanyanya ndiri kunyika kwangu pressure yekugara abroad handina hangu nyangwe zvikanzi tiri kufambira mumars ku diaspora pfungwa yangu inenge itori ku copa cabana saka varikurwara vachiti arimunyika yedu aiwa nyika yangu I Zimbabwe 🇿🇼. Die hard fan re Zimbabwe.
Killer T told his junior and fellow musician "platinum Prince urimupfana muchigane ichi you have been an upcoming artist for over 20 years what a shame ndiri mudhara wako pamangoma killer T . Hondo yema musicians and platinum Prince responded "Saka urikupopotei inga iwewe urikungorakidzawo mansions and symptoms ekupera wani ,hanti wakutoimba masongs evanhu isu vamwe tanga taka shifter focus chete plus tine peace iwe kumba hakurarike zvekumhanya nepawakatsika ,hazvizode kupera iwe wakabata tumakhule zvidhoma.
TInashe Maphosa just updated his Facebook profile with Photos of himself wearing police officer uniform. Since Tinashe Maphosa is now a man of the law Cat Family needs to respect officer or munosungwa. See images of Tinashe Below.
Hanzi na Madam Boss "Let the dogs bark but dont let their noise make you lose your focus,I ignore the dogs because pa social media ndopabasa pangu pane noise hapadiwe nema big companies." She said this to N'ale N"ale family her fans vasiyabe nana Melly and the whole people trying to tarnish her image with false stories
Tonto Dike aka King Tondo famous Nigerian Actress want to be God mother to madam boss unborn baby she commented this on madam boss instagram picture "Are you accepting gifts for my God daughter or son if yes let me speak to your management not you because pregnant women and phone calls proud of you mama" Also olinda Chapel while they were having dinner yesterday at olindas place she claims to be the God mother of the baby again .So fans are now confused.
Maitt diaries bestfriend Mai Maketeni writes today "chero maitt vakandinyeya vachotaura shit varipamusoro pegomo nema Audios nema messages aiwa tinotenda.Chero Felly akatindinodya vanhuvanhutinongozvitenda zvakadaro Ndokuda zvakadaro felly atleast you are not a fake friend you have always been my day 1 let's keep focus focus and later dissing Vanhu vari happily married vanongooneka