Tinashe Mutarisi apologising to his social media fans he said allow me to apologies for a picture that onevof my former friends posted on Facebook......
Vanhu voti ketty wakafira mahara kutovengana nevanhu cozy of maitt zvinorwadza.Veduwe kusara wakavhurika mukosho nekushamatata uchituja vanhu wobva wasvipwa #justice for ketty
Vanhu voti maitt like a narcissist you always think you are always the victim yet you are the bully when she writes "they must team up against you because yiu are a squad all by yourself.
Fungai Mutisi instead of wishing Ngoni Happy birthday she had to talk about her graduation on Ngonis pictures desperately seeking attention popularity through Tyra.She feels she is more educated and should be more popular
Hokyten ongogara achimakiswa wakamboita shamwari yekuti inogara ichimakiswa zvekuti unoguma wakufeeler senge ndiwee🤣🤣🤣😩
Mama Vee mhosva oti ndasvika pastage yekuti chero ndikatenga Ndege or hotels vanhu vekumba kwedu havafare varikungoda muroora manje haneno zvavo.
Ketina a whole mother ine teenage boy mumba anoita so God forbid Maitt akazvibuda sure mmmh anoita shamwari inobvisa hembe palive ndiani.
Olinda anorova maremma cash makavarairwa anenge achitoita cash in the name if donations apa gofund me ya Shema TV yakatonyura kare kare rich aunt is ahead of everyone trajan horse
Vanhu voti olinda Chapel sue that woman and help the voiceless she thinks she is untouchable everyone who is bring owed by maitt go to olinda Chapel and get help.
Chipo and Madamboss vasina makeup vakafanana pakai musafananidza vanhu cozy of make up Chipo arikutotevera Tyra zve makeup cozy mumusoro make ndiye mai mhofu.