Iwe Rorini ehe zvemagumbeze tazviona tichatenga but wakabuda muone room ka iwe? And twunhu twako wave natwo , chiregedza kugara mubedroom munenge meboyfriend yamai Tt musina order. Munhu wemuskana unorara pabed inenge iri mushowroom yekwaOK kudaro kuonekwa zipuranga rekuzvarwa naro iro neziplastic 🙄Daidza auntie Joy ugadzirirwe mumba zvese nekumacurtain uko mumba muitewo life mhani. Pamaroses apo unovati vakuisire matsvuku iweka wagara unofarira zvitsvuku zvako , zvese vanoita. You got all the resources you need iwe , kamat kako chii chii. Daidza aunty Joy nhasi varonge ronge, that room needs her touch , urgently. Nhai kunyepa here Aunty Joyie Zimba? Tinoziva masmall chakadaro ari iwo ezvidobi padeco yekubedroom nekufood uku handiti ndozvavanovinga here vanhu vaya? Manje vakasvika kw
Vanotuka zvav Mai titi but havashami sezvizvi ndozvoratidza vane zemo kutadza kuvhara pakati Mai vakuru kusanyara shuwaNdiro dutu regurwe rinogarotaurwa naketile lavhu hanzi naketty une zemo rembwa pahwahwaaaaa
But dhuterere mahurire ake . Imboswerai ku mbidzi round abt complex . Unodelete music yake
Saka apa wauya kuzoprover kuti chii manje nenhoroondo iyi nhai Mai Tt??😂😂😂Zvimwe zvinotosekesa.Uri dofo rekupedzisira.Watoita basa nekutsigira zvese zvakataurwa naKetty .Ketty haanyebe tozviziva.Saka kana muchiti Fatima aigona it makes perfect sense kuti arombeswe ariye ndosaka akazorara naBaba Murata akaitiswa chirema. Kana asiri chirema chisingazvimamire huya nemapictures anezuro kwete kunofukunura zvimaold family pictures zvembiri yaRhodes.Kana kuita iri live naye achizvitaurira ega achizvifambira Fatima wacho.Toda kumuona achienda kutoireti ega.
What I know is Mai titi ndimi makabata social media coz other celebs kuti vataure nyaya dzinekaThat they have to mention you so Our results goes like Mai titi 10 i- olinda 3 and The rest of the celebrities 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Haa njuga dzakurema people have actually moved of from kwini venyika?Gurundoro wapera sehondo yemiseve.Mazuva ano Ketile Ketile ndiye anechimuti😂😂😂Ketty ngaarege kutaura mai tt uone kkkkkk anopera kuti hwaaa uyaa very soon anenge/ atokanganikwa
. <Sorry henyu vangu vaMwari it seems andiJava ega anoHacker ma accounts, Kettina also hacks onai manje avekuno shandisa account raMB🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. If not then Dzabu apanzira, MB kanyora atori muLabour ward.
she is a girl ane kademon kehurume so according to her/ his hormones ane mahomorne echikadzi half ne echirume half
Denzel Chikore, aged 24, has been sentenced to 8 years in jail for raping his friend. Chikore was found guilty after a full trial by Harare Magistrate Mr Taurai Manuwere. The magistrate handed down a 12-year jail sentence with four years suspended on condition that Chikore does not commit a similar offence in the next five years. The incident occurred on January 14, 2023, around 5 pm when Chikore and the complainant were preparing for an event with other friends in Mandara. After dinner and drinks, the complainant, who was tired, went to her room and fell asleep with the door unlocked as her cousin was due to arrive later. Around 2 am, the complainant woke up to find that Chikore was having sexual intercourse with her without her consent. She was shocked and confu
Uuuum bleaching is not doing any justice for her 🙌. The darker version of herself was much better